вторник, 11 июня 2019 г.


                HELLO    EVERYBODY!!!!!

Group: 133 
Student: Qurbonova Z
Teacher: Toshboyeva M       
Entry 1                             
My First Impressions and Expectations of the University Classes
High education is a key to achieve people’s aims  so High education. relates to university which help to improve their experience. My first impressions of the university classes very excellent. Because in here I saw most people which love their job and try to achieve in their skill.
Before I thought our university’s subject might be difficult and abstract to me. But my first lesson was most amazing and unforgettable lesson in my life.
That time I couldn’t understand English and other subjects. But I never worried about my poor experience and skill. But I believed my power and mind. So my action. My first lesson was a motivational lesson which I never want to forget.
           Personally I believe that our university classes are medium but one day they will be powerful and essential to learn and student some change will be made. Course is interesting every student of our group enjoyed with it. Sometimes I met some difficulties because of my lack knowledge about computer, technologies, websites. But through of help of my teacher and group mates I was able to overcome them. I learn create new blog independently. I could enhance my knowledge about technologies and their advantages,  their role in our modern life based technology. We learn to use social media sites correctly. I really enjoyed this course and I will practice my knowledge soon.

Student: Qurbonova Z
Teacher: Toshboyeva M
                 My Computer Skills: Strengths and weaknesses.
My computer skill is considered medium because I have enough experience to use from computer and its programs.
Firstly I can answer the following question which what is computer and its items. Now I known and work with Microsoft Office which use typing text, graphs power point and others.I take information most interesting, unforgettable computer items, while learning ICT in foreign language.At the moment I can use and understand ICT programs and its tools. But I have only program that I can’t type fast in Russian language. It isn’t a big problem. But I hope one day I will be able to do it. I spend 2 hours every day for computer, learning new things from it.  I can use some programs which belong to education. They are following:  Ispring,  my test , hot potatoes, photoshop and others.I believe that after 3 years I will be able to create a new program for children. It will be called “Fun English Fun”. Now I am working on its idea and program.

Student: Qurbonova Z
Teacher: Toshboyeva M
                 Listening podcasts and applications.
Listening is the most important part in learning any language, because without it you can’t learn second language easily. 
Listening is divided into 2 parts: first one you only listen from audio material, second one you watch and listen from video material. I always use audios to improve my listening skill. Now I listen BBC podcast to improve my listening. In a day I spend my 3 hours to practice listening. 
Before a year I couldn’t understand my partners or audios, music which were in English. Application is more suitable to mobile phone.
I think listening skill is improved be listening more than you think. My teacher advised , if I wanted to improve my listening skill , I would use ICT tools such as speaker, earphones and others. I believe all of them give me more useful opportunities to rise my listening skill ability.  
In 5-lesson our topic is Internet-Based Resources for Developing Listening. In that there are useful things to improve our listening skills. For example there are given 10 links to use. I tried to enter all of them. Not only there are listening, but also video course which can teach you how can improve your listening skill. When I saw them I appear strong desire to use them. Then I tried to enter and do all exercises. They are very amazing ang interesting. If you do them you also want them again like me. All in all I should say that fram this course I took a lot of useful thing for my study and future position.


Stident:Qurbonova Z
Teacher:Toshboyeva M


   Am I slow or a fast reader? (based on internet offered tests results  
I was slow reader but. Now am not. Because. I work my self and in a minut I can read 500 words. Absolutely I consider my self as fast reader but some opportunitys are given by fast read firstly. I can read and understand topics main Idea.
Nowadays There are a lot of useful fast reading strategies I used .all of strategies are took and learned from internet sometimes Hacker give a lot of exercises to read at that time. I never worry about them at that time. I use my fast reading strategy and tools while reading:
I do 
- making note
- understanding its main idea
-underlining key words 
-revising main idea 
- paying attention purpose 
I believe that being fast reader .will give more useful opportunity ti my future life.
If I read new topics carefully, I commence to read it slowly. I can't read them fast the reason is even though I am slow reader. I try to understand the meaning of the thing I read. Being a slow reader is difficult for me. Because I like read prose work books. All in all, I interested in reading a book. To sum up, each person read more books if we want read quickly and clearly.
   There is no bad way to read. Slow might be a better way to read because you digest it better than someone who flies over the words. Just keep reading. The more you do it the better you will become. Reading is a personal skill, so do it the way you enjoy it most. The only way that reading can be bad is if you don’t do it. People who don’t read miss out on so much. So read the way that’s best for you. If you want to be a better reader, spend more time doing it. It pays you back for your efforts.

Student:Qurbonova Z
Teacher:Toshboyeva M

Critical analysis of online language learning resources.
As you know, we can use internet technologies and we can find very much informations which we need. It is very easy and breathtaking, beneficial. Nowaday we are  living 21 century. This is century of ICT. We are living with technology, with mobile phones, with internet computers. Internet is making our life easier. At the mobile phone we can learn everything with the help of online language learning resources. I found that many types of online resources ;for example, blogs, meeting, wiki, portfolio language exchange website. They help us to learn language with tutors, native speakers learners like us. I guess it is more useful for increasing our skills. Especially, speaking and listening skills. All in all, I desire to say that online resources in language learning is very beneficial and helpful. 
Картинки по запросу online learning language
Student: Qurbonova Z
Teacher: Toshboyeva M
Your skill strategies for teachers and students are one of the vital ability. Test taking is the process of knowing the knowledge of students. This test helps to accurate the suitable of grade to students. In addition, test taking strategies have several things that must pay attention. Firstly, paying attention to verbal instructions, then scanning whole test immediately, reading directions carefully, the last tips for different types of exam questions. All of them are test taking strategies. In this days we can attend to online tests to check our language skills. On the internet there are a lot of sites that teach language, taking exams and taking test. After you finish these tests, you may know your errors. Mostly in the sites you can learn language skills and you do examination, take tests that are belong to language skills. I think tests must not be very easy, it is good that they are based on mental activity and brainstorming. Because this test taking is an important part of activity of learning. Then maker tests must be careful the rules of grammar, word order, writing words correctly. And the user of tests must give or write own commentaries these tests besides does tests. Because it is essential to know his own the capability of discovering to the maker.
IF I say about test taking strategies, the test lesson  have helped me learn more about  having good strategies for a test. I feel that with these lesson learned  I can have more  confidence to take a test and pass it . In this report I want to show why  test taking is important skills to learn. I also wanted to discuss three  strategies  I have learned from the computer tutorial in class and how  I have  changed my study habits so I can do better on test.  In addition  many students feel stressed , nervous and  worried  when they have to demonstrate  what they have learned  through an exam. Remember that every exam is different. This test taking guide is written in a general sense with an eye toward the typical college – lyceum level exam.  I have two pens or pencil with good erasers as well as books , note  cards , my  instruction permits. And since I didn’t be allowed to use my cell phone.  Our teacher said that "if you have question ask your instructor to clarify the matter either to you personally or to entire class  don’t be embarrassed ;your fellow student will ,likely have the same questions. If you feel yourself panicking or stressed out  put down your pencil and take several long breaths. Do  this several times throughout   the test to clear your mind and fill your blood with oxygen.  Imagine yourself relaxing  and feel fire a calm image and belive yourself".

Student:Qurbonova Z
Teacher:Toshboyeva M

 Entry 7
The best project I made/Presentations I Made
There are many instances when you may be required to make a presentation. In school, it is usually used to help you learn how to properly select a topic that you can develop into a full presentation, which is an important skill to have in the future. Choosing the correct topic is the most difficult task about making a presentation. It will guide the direction you take in your discussion so you need to put a lot of thought into selecting the best one. Presentations help in boosting one's confidence and help you get rid of stage fear. You should be able to engage the audience and have their attention from the beginning to the end. This can only be made possible by finding the best topic that they can relate with and one that you can present with ease. Choosing the best topic for a presentation, researching and writing about it is a task that many students find quite difficult to do. However, with our help you can easily order a presentation done for you with just a few clicks. When you feel that you are out of ideas, you can always use our essay writing service, which is dedicated to ensuring that you get the best presentation possible. Impressing your audience is definitely not an easy task, so you need the help of professionals to thoroughly proofread and edit any errors and to fine tune your presentation to perfection.
Investing in your presentation is probably the best thing you can do, since your professional image is at stake - no matter if you are a student, an employee or an employer. Make sure you dedicate your attention to improving it as much as possible and we do hope our tips in this article will help you deliver an impactful presentation.

Student: Qurbonova Z
Teacher: Toshboyeva M

Entry 8
    Generally speaking, a self-assessment test is an aptitude test carried out and evaluated autonomously by the test person. The self-assessment test wants to help you make a substantiated decision, but at the end of the day it can only be one of a variety of instruments. However, first validation studies have highlighted that “good” test results go hand in hand with “good” university results.
     There is one more thing we should know: Our results are saved in anonymous form so that we can continuously improve the process on the basis of scientific criteria. However, only you can access your personal data by means of a username and a password.

       It is not necessary to stay online to do self-assessment tests. As soon as you have downloaded a module you will only be asked to go online again once you have completed that module. Your data is then transmitted to the server and your personal feedback report created.
       While many people the usefulness of online self-assessment tests, these questionnaires are tools that can help us gain information about ourselves that can provide a sense of direction you may feel you lack.
       There are numerous types of self-assessment tests available online, yet some of the most informative kinds are Personality Tests, Skills Based Tests, Aptitude Tests and Interest Inventories.
       When asked to write a description of who we are we sometimes freeze unsure of what to say. However, when asked specific questions about how we view ourselves, it becomes much easier to provide a profile that represents us. This is the benefit of structured assessment methods. When asked to describe you may come up with a new general characteristics. Yet when using well-designed questionnaires you find unexpected things listed in your results.  

Student:Qurbonova Z
Teacher:Toshboyeva M

Entry 9
      In our day to day lives we socialize and interact with many different types of people, including family, friends, colleagues, or even complete strangers. Before technology people stayed in contact via regular mail, writing letters, telephone calls and face to face communication.
       Social media has introduced substantial and pervasive changes to communication between organizations, communities and individuals. It has amplified the power of consumer to consumer conversations in our life by enabling one person to communicate with literally hundreds or thousands of other consumers quickly and with relatively little effort.
      Each network has its own strengths and weaknesses, making them better for certain goals than others. So let’s take a look at the pros and cons from the biggest names in social – plus the marketing goals for which they are best suited.
      One of the biggest strengths of this network is reach. The sheer number of people using Facebook on a daily basis is unrivalled in social media. It’s not just numbers either; it’s the diversity of users that has so many firms marketing on the platform.

        Facebook pros:
·       Huge reach ( including the broadest range of audience)
·       Mobil users spend a lot of time on the app
·       Some of the best targeting options available right now
·       You can promote articles, videos, images and basically every type of content
·       Facebook advertising and AdWords work really well together

Facebook cons:
·       Almost zero organic reach
·       The most competitive network.

Student:Qurbonova Z
Teacher:Toshboyeva M   

Entry 10
   Topic: Wrap-up: Outcomes of the course
                 So, our ICT course has ended. We have had this course from February to May. During these 4 months we have learned a lot of things on the sphere of computer and I can say that they are very useful for our further education. According to the rule during the course we should have used computers on the lesson. But we did not have such chance. After this, we spent time writing entries. There were 10 entries. And all of them were not problematical. Besides that, in the course the best thing I liked was creating blog. Because we had worked with groupmates together during creating blog and we wrote informations which we went to Gafur Gulom park.
And, I learn how create animation, portfolie and blog. Of course this knowledge will help me in my future life as I am a future teacher. In my profession I must attract the attention of pupils and students. Not only this things I learnt but also I learnt something about internet and websites. Before I dont know very well but now I can use them easily and properly. 
                To sum up, I can freely say that this course is one of the best courses we have ever had. I do not think that it is difficult. Unfortunately, this course has finished in a very short time. The information and skills which we have learned from this class will help us throughout our life. 
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